Supporting community-led sustainable development initiatives

The initiative supports community-led sustainable development through participatory planning workshops, leveraging local knowledge, training in eco-friendly techniques, establishing village savings and loan associations, supporting women’s collectives, strengthening community forestry management, promoting local innovations, and advocating for increased investments in grassroots development.

  • Organizing participatory planning workshops bringing together diverse stakeholders
  • Leveraging local knowledge and priorities to guide project design and implementation
  • Facilitating training in eco-friendly techniques like agroforestry, watershed management
  • Establishing village savings and loan associations for self-managed local financing
  • Supporting women’s collectives in producing and marketing indigenous foodstuffs
  • Strengthening community forestry management groups for sustainable fuelwood supply
  • Promoting local innovations and appropriate technologies enhancing sustainability
  • Building evidence on effective community-driven models for replication and scaling
  • Advocating for increased investments in grassroots community development”

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