
Micro and small enterprises are engines of grassroots prosperity. We unleash entrepreneurship through robust training, access to finance, market linkages and ongoing mentoring. Sustainable wealth creation lifts communities together.

Business Incubators

Aspiring entrepreneurs receive comprehensive support – from advisory services and microloans during start-up to growth capital for business expansion.


By organizing into producer cooperatives, small-scale farmers and manufacturers can access inputs, collectively process and market goods for higher earnings.

Circular Economies

We foster women-led eco-friendly enterprises upcycling waste into usable goods through creativity and appropriate technologies. Circular systems generate livelihoods while protecting the planet.

Savings Groups

Peer-managed savings circles provide members means to save regularly, access credit during shocks, and invest in income generating activities. This builds financial resilience.

Entrepreneurship sprouts community prosperity. Let’s nurture inclusive economies!

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