
Lack of stable income traps families in day-to-day survival mode. Our programs equip youth and women with marketable skills, networks, and pathways to sustainable livelihoods.

Skills Training

We provide vocational training in high-demand fields like fashion design, tailoring, beauty therapy, ICT, graphic design and more. Beyond technical competencies, soft skills and entrepreneurial mindsets are nurtured.

Career Guidance

Unemployed youth receive one-on-one guidance on education and training aligned with aptitudes, interests and market opportunities.

Job Placement

Our workplace readiness courses build skills like interviewing, workplace communication and teamwork. We connect qualified graduates to paid apprenticeships and employment openings.

Business Incubation

Aspiring entrepreneurs gain support in formalizing, financing, managing and marketing microenterprises. Ongoing mentoring during the crucial start-up phase increases resilience.

Income security lifts families out of poverty. Our employment initiatives open doors to prosperity.

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