Providing food and nutrition support to underprivileged groups

The organization provides food and nutrition support to underprivileged groups through community screenings, distribution of food packages, specialized nutritious foods, support for soup kitchens, nutrition education, kitchen gardens, small livestock rearing, post-harvest storage, and community-based therapeutic care.

  • Identifying at-risk households through community screenings and assessments
  • Distributing monthly food packages with staples like maize flour, beans, oil
  • Providing specialized nutritious foods to pregnant/nursing women and young children
  • Supporting community soup kitchens offering cooked meals to vulnerable individuals
  • Facilitating nutrition education on low-cost balanced diets, safe food prep
  • Promoting kitchen gardens and small livestock rearing for improved household nutrition
  • Training on post-harvest storage, food processing and preservation techniques
  • Treating acute malnutrition through community-based therapeutic care
  • Advocating and fundraising for strengthened nutrition safety nets nationally”

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